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Showing posts from October, 2017

RESPECT: only to be earned?

I strongly believe and assert that you respect and honour people because of who you are, and not particularly because of whom they are! As a disclaimer though, I have to point it out here that you must strive to earn respect and honour with everyone and everywhere, for respect and honour are chiefly a ripple effect of your results and how you handle and present yourself to people - consistently("man looks on the outward"). However, just like in the case of love, IF THE ONLY PEOPLE YOU RESPECT, HONOUR OR TREAT WELL ARE THOSE WHO DULY  EARN AND DESERVE IT, THEN YOU REALLY NEED TO URGENTLY WORK ON YOURSELF. Your core is faulty!


I guess the devil has tricked a surprisingly great number of people into believing that childbearing is the ONLY reason a man and woman should come together. Childbearing is only one of the reasons among MUTUAL FULFILMENT OF god-given PURPOSE, EMOTIONAL FULFILLMENT and SWEET COMPANIONSHIP. However, quite regrettably, an alarming percentage of marriages,even in the Church (as a result of incorrect premarital teachings about love)lack the other ingredients, having childbearing as the only feat to boast of. This unfortunate reality where childbearing is the only spice most marriages have holding them together or to look up to has made cheating and the host of other marriage vices nearly inevitable! Because of getting married to the wrong partners, most marriages have metamorphosed just into institutions of endurance instead of the god-proposed institutions of ever-green extraterrestrial bliss and sweetness. More, a close careful look at the  marriages that have this deform...

An Absolute Truth.

Most truths are far from absolute. In fact, there are very, very few absolute truths in life; but this is one you're about to read is an exception. Read on: While everyone has a very important role to play in shaping the outcome of their lives, there are some very key factors that determine someone's success or failure which weren't put there by us and over which we have no control. Are you the one that determined your skin colour, height, race, likes, dislikes and predispositions? There are some things with which some people are grappling and struggling which heavily would determine whether  they fail or succeed in life, but these things are only spiritualy determined; they can't change these things no matter how hard they try in the natural physical realm. WE ARE THE ARCHITECTS OF OUR OWN LIVES. Yes?? Yes; but this statement is just a half truth. The absolute truth is: WE ARE NOT THE ARCHITECTS OF OUR OWN LIVES; GOD IS! About the most important t...

God loves you.

God loves you. Let this sink deep down the crevices of your mind. Stick to it, believe it no matter what the contradictory situation says. You got to always put the devil on the run whenever he tries using situations to make you think God doesn't love you. Your simply believing and stoutly affirming that God loves you - no matter the situation or condition - is one of the most potent and efficacious tools in the Kingdom to consistently put the devil - our consistent foe - on the run! My Pastor - Rev. Biodun Fatoyinbo - says "do not live situationally; rather, live revelationally." A notable man of God once said "what is written is superior to(and will always overcome, outlast and outshine) what is happening". God loves you!