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In relationships, it's very crucial you give people space(when they're busy, tired, etc). However, don't invest yourself and your emotions in someone who sees you/spends time with you ONLY WHEN THEY HAVE THE TIME.  It's a red flag! Actually, apart from occasional or very pressing moments, the fact that someone is tired shouldn't necessarily stop them from seeing you if the person really likes you. If someone loves you, seeing you/spending time with you actually invigorates and rejuvenates them when they are tired. Don't feed someone with yourself who shows repeated signs of LACK OF HUNGER FOR YOU! "Don't waste your time with  someone who is not willing to waste their time with you!"
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I'm not being insensitive. But I firmly posit - via My keen observance of life - that at least, 98% of men who take to robbery because of hard times(no matter how bad it is) have it in them to steal. It's an inclination in their DNA - only waiting for a "favorable" condition to manifest. Naturally, same goes for the ladies who resort to dear prostitution on account of dire unfortunate stories and sheer harsh deplorable circumstances! Quite conversely, I've seen one or two rare exceptions; but, at least, 98% of the ladies who take to whoredom because of extreme hardship(no matter how bad it is) have the NATURAL TENDENCY AND INCLINATION TO BE SEXUALLY LOOSE(even on a commercial scale. lol!) And the sadder news is that such traits can be passed down to their offspring/children. #Pressure brings out what's deep in you! #BE CAREFUL WHOM YOU MARRY!


LOVE vs DISCIPLINE and COMMITMENT. Love has a central pivotal most vital "central midfielder" role to play in fidelity/being faithful in relationships and marriage. Self-discipline and commitment are quite important; nevertheless, they play only a supportive role - like a "supporting striker" assisting the main striker! See: discipline, commitment, etc can fail(under pressure, duress, etc); but love - genuine true love - cannot fail. Discipline and commitment, and the other ingredients that support love in a relationship can and do fail when love is NOT present - like Barca without their dear Messi! But, love without the other supporting ingredients of a relationship may be quite much stressed and strained, maimed and weakened; but can NEVER FAIL! This is why it's very RISKY to marry someone for whom you don't feel much emotions. #GenuineMutualLoveCan'tCheat!


DISBELIEVE THIS   - to your peril! On the surface, your view looks true; but let's get deeper. By the LAW OF FIRST MENTION(I guess you know it), the first time the institution of marriage was mentioned in the Bible, the woman was presented to the man, while it was the man who had to make the proposal by declaring "Now, at last, this is the bone of My bones and the flesh of My flesh..!" He affirmatively and assertively declared his interest; and that was "cool" by Eve and God.  The second instance is Isaac and Rebecca. The guy's  father made the proposal for him - via his notable servant Eleazar. All the lady and her family did was accept, while the proposal came from the man's family. Genesis 24. Next, Rachael and Jacob: it was the dude, Jacob that declared his interest(proposed); never was it the damsel! Further, the book of Proverbs says "He who finds a wife..." It doesn't ever say "She who finds a husband..." From ...

Dreams: a compass gone sour!

DREAMS: a compass gone  sour! In as much as dreams could be important and revelatory sometimes, a born-again Christian should NOT attach much importance to them. Dreams are in the realm of the mind/soul; and the devil has access to that realm. He can and does manipulate dreams. The Apostles and first-generation disciples and believers didn't receive much of God's guidance and revelations via dreams but via the Holy Spirit and the Word(and in a few cases, visions and trances). Much of God's guidance through dreams ceased with Christ's Ascension. More so, when the New Creation believer has a bad or negative dream, they SHOULD NEVER TELL IT because that will mean giving life to it. Your words give life! All you gotta do is PRAY AGAINST THE DREAM WITH THE WORD OF GOD(which is the Devil's antidote). Likewise, when you have a good dream, it's good to speak it out and  - with appropriate scriptures - pray that it comes to pass/speak it into being a reality. ...

Embittered Honey.

The excruciating PAIN and FRUSTRATION of UNRECIPROCATED LOVE can(momentarily but often) bring out the diverse beast in you against the person you genuinely love WHO DOESN'T LOVE YOU BACK. That's why we're here to affirm this: ENDEAVOUR TO MARRY SOMEONE WHOM YOU truly LOVE AND WHO UNARGUABLY LOVES YOU, TOO. Thank you.

An Absolute Truth.

An Absolute Truth! While everyone has a very important role to play in shaping the outcome of their lives, there are some very key factors that determine someone's success or failure which weren't put there by us and over which we have no control. Are you the one that determined your skin colour, height, race, likes, dislikes and predispositions? There are some things with which some people are grappling and struggling which heavily would determine whether  they fail or succeed in life, but these things are only spiritualy determined; they can't change these things no matter how hard they try in the natural physical realm. WE ARE THE ARCHITECTS OF OUR OWN LIVES. Yes?? Yes; but this statement is just a half truth. The absolute truth is: WE ARE NOT THE ARCHITECTS OF OUR OWN LIVES; GOD IS! About the most important thing anybody could do for their lives is submit your life to the ownership and leadership of dear Jesus Christ and, while consistently diligently p...